Through surveys, organized activities, and meals, we have connected with men and women from all over the world who are eager to become a generation of leaders.
"Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise." ~Psalm 79:13
Here are some highlights from my time on campus the last two weeks:
The "Noble" Men
For clarification, they are not all from Noblesville, IN, but I thought it clever to dub them as such. They are a small group of young men who came to Purdue this fall intent on continuing in faith. Having walked in faith together through high school, they thought it appropriate and prudent to remain united in faith. By God's grace made evident in their generosity, I have been attending their weekly small group discussions. They not only desire to maintain their brotherly bond, but to also make their lives a conduit for the Spirit to work in the lives of others.
International Students
The surprise is not that I have encountered several internationals students, especially from China. No, that was quite expected. The thing that caught me was their reception of me and the Gospel of Jesus. Their eagerness, in some cases, transcends mere cross-cultural interaction and curiosity. They desire to know the source of our joy and unity!
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations." ~Psalm 22:27-28
Fraternity Life
My time in Alpha Tau Omega has stretched me and taught me to be a faithful servant within a drastically different environment. While this house has its share of challenges, I am encouraged by the fraternity brothers' openness to me and willingness to assist me. Last night, I discovered that several of them have begun to have weekly group prayer time. They will soon organize a weekly Bible discussion. The Spirit is moving in response to their and my prayers.
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." ~Matthew 18:20
Please remember these people in your prayers. Please also pray for the staff team, student leaders, and incoming students as we hope to initiate our small group Bible studies for the semester.
By His Grace,
Jon Chen