The last couple of days, the team has been meeting the staff and students of the Navs ministry at the University of Zambia Main Campus (UNZA) and the University of Zambia Ridgeway Campus. The excitement is mutual as we lay out the vision for advancing the Kingdom and the gospel into the campuses.
I humbly share my observations about life in Zambia not to impress or to portray myself an authority, but to invite you to see what I see. Zambia seems to struggle with a lack of strength and integrity in leadership. Several of the concerns are associated with the government's inability or unwillingness to sustain reform and improvements. On the street, it translates to helplessness and complacency. The common Zambian seems to be trying to merely get by. Gershom, one of the GAP staff, shared that unemployment is a problem for many, and it is not unusual to see a man intoxicated before 9 in the morning. On the college campus, students are full of energy and ideals, but most are without the leading of Christ. I pray that our labor and God's spirit would transform lives across this nation through what happens on these campuses through our ministry.
The team is currently reading a book called "When Helping Hurts" to better understand what it looks like to bear sustainable fruit through our labor in countries outside of our own. Please pray that we would continue to grow and mature in our understanding of and approach to the issues we see here.
The staff here have also requested that I join them in teaching and training student leaders. I hope to grow in my understanding of the culture and its people so that I may be able to serve more effectively in this role. Please pray for God's leading in this assignment.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
~Proverbs 3:5
By His Grace,
Jon Chen