
The Navigators of Zambia held their Annual National Conference this last weekend at the Twin Palm Baptist Seminary. Okike Offia of The Navigators of Nigeria taught a series on the featured theme of the ministry,
the truth and sufficiency of the Scriptures for the whole of life, centered around 2 Timothy 3:16-17. In short, the case he made regarding Scripture was thought-provoking and challenging. I am especially convicted by a statement he made during one of our sessions: "
Your attitude towards the Scriptures reflects your attitude towards God". It is extremely sobering, as someone who preaches the word, to evaluate my heart towards the word and my heart towards God. I have to ask myself and affirm, "Is my study and knowledge of the word translating to a knowledge of the Holy Lord?"

The National Conference brought together over eighty people from all over Zambia, Nigeria, Namibia, and the U.S. Fellowship was genuine and deep as we joined in study, discussion, and song. I pray that those who had not yet known Christ when they attended might be drawn closer to Him. I have some criticisms of the event, not to pass judgment, but to encourage progress, and to remind myself of my own tendencies. I observed that the laborers were indeed too few. Unfortunately, they lacked not human resources, but incorporation in planning and execution. As I personally experienced, this led to a level of exhaustion and frustration that dulled (though, by the grace of God, not nullified) the intended encouragement of the Scriptures and fellowship. I find that I too ignore the divine blueprint for laboring in Christ laid out in 1 Corinthians 12. It is good to have partners in this work, and I am thankful for all of you in your diligence to read these updates and pray for this team.

Yesterday, the team, Nelson, and Okike made a visit to what is informally being dubbed "NavLand" (It has a ring to it). The story behind it is amazing, but long. God provided, as only He can, a piece of property of a little over 27 acres. It is fertile, flat, and now has an electricity receiving station! The vision is to develop the land into a conference grounds, equipped with offices, lodging, recreation, meeting halls, and even crop-producing plots. The idea is exciting to me, and I hope to learn more about it and how others, including myself, might get involved. The place is huge blessing and has great potential as a tool for discipleship.
Our trip to Livingstone was postponed until tomorrow. We will be enjoying the area from Wednesday until Friday. Pray for safety, transforming experiences, and great memories! I might be too excited about this. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. this morning, and thus the blog post. Pray also for rest as we recharge before going back to campus ministry.
By His Grace,
Jon Chen
P.S. Thank you for the birthday wishes! The greatest thing about waking up that day was the retrospection of God revealing Himself mightily and compassionately through the previous year, and knowing that I can trust Him even with the lives of those around me!