
Some have told me in the past that I have a tendency to ask hard questions. This week has not been an exception thus far. Can anyone blame me though? Hundreds of students from all over Zambia have descended upon UNZA for the first time in their young lives. They are beginning a brief season of life which will likely define/redefine their passions, social circles, vocations, and habits for the rest of their productive lives. Some know what they want and what they expect from their time at UNZA. Others are hoping someone will draw them a clearer picture and point them in the right direction.
I remember my first days at Purdue. It was all too easy to lose all that excitement and energy in the vastness of the college world. When everyone vies for your attention, even the most ambitious grows weary of it all, like a ray of light diffracting in every direction. When it comes time to orient the disoriented, I would rather not be another predator scanning the herd for prey.
"When Jesus went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things."
~ Mark 6:34

Compassion. Christ understood the needs of the hearts of each individual, and He shepherded them. He embraced the people of the crowd and welcomed them to eternity with Him. This is my hope for the orientation process here and at Purdue (as I think ahead to the fast-approaching Fall semester). I have been encouraged by the sincerity of the men and women with whom I have interacted. The delights of their faith are as real as their frustrations. Surprisingly, they have received and answered my invitations to deeper investigations of purpose, discipline, and legacy. Many embrace the principles integrity and Christlike living. They give me hope for Zambia who has struggled and suffered through years of poor leadership and rampant corruption.

The ZamFam goes out fighting these last few days, despite being worn out and hard-pressed on several fronts. The things which pull our hearts away from these students will have to wait until after our work is done. The things which pull our hearts away from Christ will know defeat. Persist and have faith! Please pray for perseverance and courage.
By His Grace,
Jon Chen